Dr. Nancy North
Dr. North has been a practicing chiropractor for over 40 years and recently relocated to Encinitas, California. Dr. North was listed as Best Doctor of Chiropractic by SELF magazine and has treated Olympic Athletes and Pro-Rodeo Stars for decades. As a serious athlete herself, Dr. North was a national fast pitch softball champion, a USASA snowboarding national medalist, and a senior softball world champion. Dr. North believes everyone deserves the same level of care that professional athletes receive and she is here to provide it.
Awards & Recognitions
- 2023 City of Encinitas Environmental Hero of the Year
- 2023 State of California Senator Blakespeare Nomination for Inspiring Woman of the Year
- Listed Best Doctor of Chiropractic by SELF Magazine 1992
- Previously treating Olympic and Professional Athletes NCAA Track and Field
- Previously treating Wrangler Pro-Rodeo Doctor
- National and International Instructor to Chiropractic Physicians Neurosurgeons, Orthopedists Podiatrists and Dentists in the Care Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal and Extremity Injuries throughout the United States, Europe and Asia